Earth News 2.0
On my journey to innerstanding throughout my 52 years on planet Earth.
I have grown to learn many professions, lived in many places, and have had many life experiences to nourish my thirst for truth and knowledge, while walking the most empathetic, compassionate life possible. Through my heart.
My previous timelines in my professions have included being an artist, the medical field, health care aide, the insurance industry, the mortgage industry, the information technology sector which included oil and gas, communications, data companies, etc. I also had a long running timeline of being in the hospitality industry for over 30 years. Always in my timelines, I was experiencing the information needed to continue on my soul journey, meeting with as many people, to learn as much from as many cultures as possible. I felt the most bliss just being around people that I didn’t understand what they were saying but felt their conversation, through vibrations, or interviewing people to hear their story… Their truth.
When 2020 came, I was ignited by a well known video, Fall of the Cabal by Janet Ossebaard. I followed her advice, I did my own research. And boy did I ever.
All through 2020, I went and spoke my truths at freedom rallies
I started to make charts on all of the bloodlines of the rich 1% and moved into what celebrities were related to each other. Where it lead me, was to innerstand that everything, I mean everything we have come to learn on planet Earth is a LIE. My cognitive dissonance took me down many rabbit holes to prove, that maybe this was all just a scary dream. I was incorrect.
Where my research lead me was to keep exploring the lies through money. Always following the money. In May of 2020, a video of mine on Facebook and YouTube, went viral. I discovered that the monarchy was fake, very detailed documentation with blood thumb prints and a variety of signatures, to back up said claim.
The timeline of fake monarchs, corporations that are our governments, learning about the federal reserve, how our birth certificates are corporations in the fiat system, how we have all been chattel, etc… set me up to do more videos, more charts, trying to figure out how we, humans, got into this mess. How can we possibly get free? We must learn our past, how we got there, what exactly happened, how we were programmed, to know that it will never, ever be repeated.
My journey led me to Queen Romana Didulo, Commander in Chief of the Kingdom of Canada. Canada 2.0!!
I’m so blissed to be here, documenting the REAL TRUTH on what’s happening in the Kingdom of Canada. Through my heart, my innerstanding and through compassion to help all of We the People share in the joy and accomplishments of Queen Romana, the I Am’s ,We the People within the Kingdom of Canada.
It is my humble honor to report on the new Earth News 2.0!